Annual Conference - your gateway to the world of pharmacy

I never thought I would be so excited to share just how much I enjoyed becoming a part of the BPSA and attending the 75th annual conference in Durham. In all honesty, my main reason for going was just to have something to write about in my portfolio; but in reality, I got so much more than I bargained for. In seven days, I went from knowing barely anything about my profession and degree to having a true desire to get involved. The first year of my degree has consisted of getting all students to the same level in core subjects such as biology and chemistry. I guess because of that I forgot that there is much more to the MPharm degree than just knowing the science. Being at the conference allowed me to appreciate just how much one can do with an MPharm degree; for this, I have to thank many of the speakers that took the time to tell us about their career paths as well as talk to us about the many opportunities that are there for pharmacy graduates. I am ashamed to admit that I imagined this conference to be dull and monotonous; I was worried that for someone who is not as passionate about pharmacy as others – I wouldn’t be able to take part as much. I was also nervous about the conference business as I thought that I would have no idea about the issues that were to be discussed. Saying that I am so glad I went as I couldn’t have been more wrong about it all. The week in Durham was probably the best time I had this year; not only did I learn new things about the world of pharmacy and had the chance to debate things that truly matter to me, I also had a lot of fun and was lucky enough to meet many lovely people from all around the UK! I have never been prouder to be studying Pharmacy.


If at first you don't succeed…come back stronger


Reflecting on the 75th Annual Conference