New Beginnings, New Adventures

Many people only have one New Year’s resolution every year, on the 1st of January. But we students have both the 1st of January and also the first day back at university to start afresh and set new goals.

 You buy your brand new notebooks, your bright sticky notes and stack of coloured pens, which you promise you won’t lose by the end of the year. You also have a new lease of energy. You are ready for the year to start and to make this year your year. For me, one resolution I try to make every year is to travel more. But with a student budget and also studying for a pharmacy degree, it is hard finding an affordable trip but also some free time from university studies to go.


Then I found out about EPSA, the European Pharmaceutical Students’ Association. EPSA puts on many different events across Europe, which as a BPSA member you can automatically take part in!

 I took part in ‘EPSA summer university 2017’, which was held in Covilha, Portugal. This was great, as not only did I get to tick off my New Year’s resolution of going abroad, but I also found a well-priced trip. The event was organised into educational activities and social nights. During the days there were many different training workshops provided such as team building and project management, just to name a few. There was also a public health day, where we learnt about skin cancer and the importance of applying sun protection - what ever your skin colour. Then in the evening, we went out to educate the Covilha public about what we had learned and gave out free samples of sunscreen.

 After the long hot days of study came the social events. These were well organised social activities to allow students to network and enjoy themselves after a long day. Events included Flower Power Peace and Love Party, a Foam Party and the much-anticipated International Night.

 Geared up to go and get involved? Future EPSA events can be found on the EPSA website:


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